08.30–09.00 Registration and coffee
09.00–09.10 Opening words – Timo Huttunen, Turku Science Park Ltd
09.10–09.30 Introduction to marine environment and related research – Tua Nylén, University of Turku
09.30–10.30 Challenge presentations:
a) Nordic Trout Ab / Suomen Kalankasvattajaliitto ry: Alf-Håkan Romar/ Irja Skytén-Suominen
b) Uusikaupunki: Fanny Suominen, Gaia Consulting Oy
c) Itämerihaaste: Tove Holm, City of Turku
d) Partner presentations: Janne Loiske, Sofokus Oy & Maiju Kähärä, Lounaistieto / Regional Council of Southwest Finland
10.30–10.50 Introduction to satellite data – Ali Nadir Arslan, Finnish Meteorological Institute
10.50–11.50 Networking workshop
11.50 Closing of the event; organizers are available for further questions
The event will be also streamlined. Streaming link: https://vimeo.com/362725904