BalticSatApps Workshop (Hackathon)

Cracow University of Technology Cracow, Poland

Open event - Registration open! The Cracow University of Technology will organise a two-day workshop (hackathon) in 26–27 April 2019 in Cracow, Poland. The aim of the event is to find solutions to named challenges by accessing and processing open satellite data by the Copernicus in the Baltic Sea region.

Advanced training school on Remote Sensing/Earth Observation – Applications of Remote Sensing in the Baltic Sea Region

Võru Kubija Spa, Estonia , Estonia

The University of Tartu organizes together with the Taltech, the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Baltic Earth an Advanced Training School on Remote Sensing/Earth Observation – Applications of Remote Sensing in the Baltic Sea region. The Advanced Training School will take place on 15–20 September 2019 in the Võru Kubija Spa, Estonia. Application period is open until 19 June 2019, and […]

Nordic Remote Sensing Conference 2019— Data Acquisition, Algorithms and Applications

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University , Denmark

NoRSC’19 will bring together researchers in the broad field of Remote Sensing in, but not restricted to, the Nordic and Arctic countries. Topics include the acquisition of data from satellite, airborne, terrestrial or under-water platforms, development of algorithms for data processing and analysis, and the use of derived metrics in applications across disciplines. NoRSC’19 seeks […]

WeSeaChallenge Pre-event

Turku School of Economics (Room 33) Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, Turku, Finland

Registration Would you like to contribute solutions for a healthy and productive Baltic Sea? Join the WeSeaChallenge and bring solutions powered by open satellite data. In this pre-event we will introduce the WeSeaChallenge idea competition and practical examples on satellite data application and tools. The pre-event is oriented to bring together diverse experts and talents […]

WeSeaChallenge Kickoff

SparkUp Tykistökatu 4 B, Turku, Finland

Registration to Kickoff Programme 08.30–09.00 Registration and coffee 09.00–09.10 Opening words – Timo Huttunen, Turku Science Park Ltd 09.10–09.30 Introduction to marine environment and related research – Tua Nylén, University of Turku 09.30–10.30 Challenge presentations: a) Nordic Trout Ab / Suomen Kalankasvattajaliitto ry: Alf-Håkan Romar/ Irja Skytén-Suominen b) Uusikaupunki: Fanny Suominen, Gaia Consulting Oy c) Itämerihaaste: Tove Holm, City […]

WeSeaChallenge Pre-event in Helsinki

Dynamicum, Room Brainstorm Finnish Meteorological Institute, Erik Palménin aukio 1, Helsinki

Registration Would you like to contribute solutions for a healthy and productive Baltic Sea? Join the WeSeaChallenge and bring solutions powered by open satellite data. In this pre-event we will introduce the WeSeaChallenge idea competition and practical examples on satellite data application and tools. The pre-event is oriented to bring together diverse experts and talents […]

Space Apps Challenge

The Tartu Science Park is organising a Space Apps Challenge in close cooperation with the University of Tartu in Tartu, Estonia. The Space Apps Challenge will be mainly on ESA resources, but the teams can combine both ESA and NASA data, if viable. Some 100 participants and around 7–10 teams are expected. The event will be […]

Copernicus: Market uptake for Finnish private sector

Auditorium: Brainstorm (P-floor) Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Erik Palménin aukio 1, Helsinki

Registration Copernicus, the European Union's Earth observation and monitoring programme (, produces a wealth of data regarding land, atmosphere, oceans and inland waters and cross-cutting processes like climate change, disaster management and security. The vast majority of data and information delivered by the Copernicus Space infrastructure and the Copernicus services are made available and accessible […]