
Baltic Sea Challenge and Turku Science Park Ltd

Baltic Sea Challenge Network

The Baltic Sea Challenge (BSC) is a network initiative of Turku and Helsinki that invites organisations to commit in protecting the Baltic Sea and their local waters, to building their own Baltic Sea Action Plan and implementing it. In 2019 there are already 300 member organisations in the BSC Network from the countries around the Baltic Sea. Five shared objectives of the network are: clear coastal waters, healthy marine habitat, clean and safe water traffic, systematic water area management and active Baltic Sea citizenship.

Coordination of the network activities and shared knowledge about the state of the Baltic Sea requires objective information and tools to visualize it. Satellite images contain plenty of data about historical and current status of the marine environment. Geoinformation tools can help us to analyze and visualize this information.

Challenge assignment

We need tools to solve below mentioned tasks. First task is of highest priority and is a prerequisite for solving the rest. It is enough to solve the first one, but solving all will give your proposal higher evaluation.

  1. Where are the most critical areas to act on in the Baltic Sea area – for a clean, productive and shared Baltic Sea. Apply satellite data or data products based on earth observation to visualize the critical areas on a map. Alternatively chose a smaller area, for example a city and its catchment area on the Baltic Sea coast with one or several members from the Baltic Sea Challenge (BSC). (List of members can be found on the BSC home page,
  2. Visualize BSC members and their activity areas on the same map along with critical areas. For example, high pressure areas (BSPI Baltic Sea Pressure Index), productive areas and vulnerable areas.  You can look for ideas in the Baltic sea challenge action plan 2019–2023 (for example pages 8–15).
  3. The goal is to find ways for effective communication of important areas and share it with decision makers, organizations, municipalities and the general public around the Baltic Sea.

Useful information and inspiration


The winning proposal will receive a cash prize of 2500 euros. In addition, the winning proposal’s team will receive tickets to Turku City Theatre, the value of a single ticket being worth of 100 EUR.

Contact person

Tove Holm, BSC Coordinator of Turku, Finland

+358 40 484 6979