Overview of Workshop “Copernicus: Market uptake for Finnish private sector”

On 24 October 2019, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), with support of Geowise, was inviting to a networking event in the premises of the FMI. The workshop “Copernicus: Market uptake for Finnish private sector” was organized within the BalticSatApps project. Under the framework of Copernicus, the European Union’s Earth observation and monitoring programme collaboration, networking and exchange among various business fields and satellite experts is expected to be expanded.
General presentations by the FMI and the Geowise were given to introduce the project BalticSatApps, Copernicus services, satellite data access and funding possibilities.
In the second part of this half day event applications using satellite and remote sensing data were presented by private and public companies, such as the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT). As main speakers for the use cases were the talks by private companies Bitcomp, Cityfier, UrbanZee and ZeroGravity, two of them winners of previous Hackathons within the BalticSatApps. These success stories give nice examples of how unique market opportunities can be unleashed within the BalticSatApps, a project aiming to advance the development of new solutions and commercial activity that utilize Copernicus Earth observation data.
Miriam Kosmale, Arctic Space Centre, the Finnish Meteorological Insitute
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